The improvement of sexual potency in men remedies

home remedies to improve power

Risk factors which is the corner style of life, smoking and consumption of alcoholic beverages, lack of physical activity. In consequence, problems arise with the erection, reduces the attraction, which adversely affect the intimate life.

The improvement of sexual potency in men remedies is one of the options to resolve this problem. The effectiveness of the method is especially large in the early stages of the evolution of the situation in which it is running case popular recipes should be combined with medications.

What is the money used for the increase of the power?

These include:

  • Recipe with nettles, st. john's wort, mint and clover. All of the herbs it is necessary to take in the volume 5 teaspoons, mix, then pour 1 liter of hot water. Medication strain after 60 minutes and take 1 glass a day. If everything is done correctly, because after a time, you will feel inflow of forces, because these plants stimulate the sexual activity;
  • The infusion of the lilacs, which will help in mild cases of the reduction of the erection. You will need to dry the flowers of the plants in amounts of 1 tablespoons, pour a glass of boiling water. When the mixture is cool, strain and drink during the day.
  • The root of calamus — useful for those who pointed out the violation of the power. Product to clean, chop, take 20 g and mix with 200 ml of hot water, to insist within 8 hours. The received structure to divide in equal parts and consume throughout the day. If you want you can simply chew the root of calamus;
  • Celery monte — used as a seasoning in foods, in addition to dairy products. By day to use 2 teaspoons of the plant, which will help you to forget the problem in the intimate life.

Good also help to improve the potency of recipes with vegetables

Among the most useful:

  • The garlic serves as an aphrodisiac and a strong nutrient anti-aging. To prepare the tool, it is necessary to take 1 kg of vegetables, grind and pour 3 liters of water, insist for a month, shaking every day. After consuming a mixture of 1 teaspoon during the day, the course continues until the liquid runs out.
  • Celery — an infusion of it allows you to increase the sexual power. For him it is necessary to take the fresh root in the volume 1 tbsp and pour 300 ml of hot water, to insist 4 hours, filter and drink three times a day for 1 tbsp

The recipe with the honey and the st. john's wort

He became famous in the field of the improvement of the sexual power and erection, and all thanks to the content of substances, without which it is not possible the normal production of sex hormones in men.

To solve the problem of impotence, you can combine this product with the powdered ginger, as well as with the st. john's wort, but with care, as it is a floor warning: if used incorrectly they become a hazard to life.

In 2-3 dessert spoons of the herb st. john's wort, you will need 2 cups of hot water. The grass once burned and cooled, through the time of the drink is filtered, add 2 tablespoons of honey and accept this amount during the day.

Beneficial properties of the oil from the seeds of the pumpkin

We will talk about the beneficial properties of pumpkin oil, but also easy to consumption of pumpkin seeds helps maintain the health of the erectile function. Contain vitamins, trace elements, amino acids that they must act on the body of men. Pumpkin seeds contain plenty of zinc, a trace mineral involved in synthesising testosterone and sperm. Pumpkin seeds — the composition, the useful properties of

Dried fruit for masculine strength

Of great benefit for problems with sexual activity bring the nuts, which give it force and energy, are the source of zinc, magnesium and calcium. These minerals affect beneficially in the synthesis of the sex cells in men, restoring power and helping to fix the sex life.

To solve the problem of the reduction of the sexual energy, you can use the recipes of traditional medicine, taking into account contraindications. If you have to be careful, you can get rid of the complexity and enjoy life for many years.